Book of the Month

Friday, August 11, 2023 - 08:45

THROUGH HIS LETTERS to fellow friars, and through his newsletter, Fr. Elias Lynch - founder of the Shrine of Saint Jude - communicated his heart and soul to readers in the English county of Kent, his native Ireland, and throughout the world. At a time when the Carmelite Order, the Church, and society were in constant change. Elias shares with us his personal reflections in a way that is at once poignant, often humorous, and always warm... 

In one of his letters, Elias said: "If we do not leave behind us something, however imperfectly expressed, as a memory of the Carmelites of our time.[They'll] say, 'This is what a Carmelite of 1961 thought and did". And now we can!

The life and insights of Elias Lynch are presented to us by Fr. Wilfrid McGreal, O.Carm. Fr. Wilfrid was the Parish Priest in Faversham, where Fr. Elias worked and ministered for more than thirty years.   

For the whole of July/August, this book is for sale at £3.50 (30% off) - to purchase call 01795 539 214; or visit our shop.